The panoramic landscapes and overpowering dry heat of the Arizona desert provided the starting point for Minimal Effort.
The opening evokes daybreak – the dawn chorus and distant sounds of
insects and desert creatures accompanied by light wind. The final
section is the Arizona night sky – clear and full of stars, harmonics
suggesting the constellations.
The title also draws on the minimal effort that is required to play
the guitar efficiently. David Russell is a regular visitor to Tucson and
some of his technical exercises for playing with ease have found their
way into the piece.
Between the framing evocations of the desert, the piece explores a
number of overlapping soundscapes and minimalist textures. Gradually,
the chaotic rhythm of the opening becomes more and more focussed and
agitated, until the piece reaches its climax with loud pizzicato bass
notes and high repeating chords. After the climax dissolves, the music
slowly transforms into a multi-layered soundworld similar to the